Dear Diary, Today I realised how hard it is to be a parent. I learnt from the three important experiences just now. First of all, when we were balancing our eggs, I learnt that parenting requires a lot of patience. In order to teach our children, parents must be patient because some children need more time to fully understand something. Secondly, as we were rolling our eggs across the table, I learnt that parents must trust their children in order to achieve something. Although, it can be terrifying, it is still a parent's job to trust their children, Otherwise, their children will never learn to be independent. Lastly, as we were throwing and catching our eggs, I learnt that a parent must trust and believe in their partner. Without a partner's trust, taking care of a child can be absolutely hard. Both parents play an important tole in taking care of a child. Therefore, trust and belief between parents is a must. In conclusion, during these activities, I fe...