Summary of Katarina Blom's TED Talk ✧.*


You Don't Find Happiness, You Create It.

     Based on Katarina Blom’s TED talk, with the title, “You Don't Find Happiness, You Create It”, I learned that it is challenging to maintain focus on the important things in life despite all the activities we are involved in, with the commitments we have, and the distractions we face. We frequently get overloaded, and our brains wander most of the time. When this occurs, it is challenging to pay attention to the positive aspects of life, and we are more tuned to the negative aspects of life. 

Other than that, I also learned that our thoughts are hard to control and in order to control them, we need to create positive actions over our minds. We can enter into a positive pattern and develop the skill of happiness if we start making good healthy habits by taking acts that benefit both ourselves and others. 

This talk has left an impact in me by realising that I should prioritise and value all my relationships in my life . When we make an effort in this manner, we may gradually produce the results that lead to the joyful emotions we require in life and also share this joy and the ability to create it to others. I admire Katarina Blom for her charismatic way of delivering her TED Talk. 

The reason I chose to summarise her talk is because she delivers her message powerfully and her research clearly demonstrates change. Overall, I enjoyed listening to Katarina’s TED talk. I learned about who she is, what she does and why her research is important for society. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who has a burning desire to seek for genuine happiness.


1. If happiness does not come from wealth or fame, where does it come from?

2. Forming good healthy habits can be a bit hard sometimes. Is there any way to make it easier? 

3.  How do we take action and actually change our life?

4. What does ‘emotional asymmetry’ mean to you?

5. How did you feel about this TED Talk?

click here to answer :)

Full TED Talk: Katarina Blom's TED talk
